A Look Back, to Start the New Year
It’s 2025 and that marks the start of the third year of CitiObs! We have had an amazing two years working together as a consortium and building strong connections with our stakeholders and Citizen Observatories. We have a lot planned for the coming year but first, we wanted to take a moment to appreciate the cases that started it all—the Front Runners.

Citizen-led interventions to reduce noise by the Frontrunner case in Barcelona
Since November 2023, the Front Runner Case (FRC) in Barcelona has been thriving! Insights gathered during the Citizen Observatory onboarding workshop were carefully evaluated, prioritized, and transformed into key actions for 2024.

Breaking Barriers in Environmental Monitoring with the Low-Cost Sensor Toolkit
Environmental challenges are growing concerns for communities around the world. Citizen participation in monitoring efforts has become a powerful way to address these challenges, but many Citizen Observatories (COs) face technical hurdles when using tools like sensors.

Join the CitiObs Alliance Citizen Observatories & Citizen Science Initiatives Across Europe
We’re excited to announce an Open Call for Citizen Science Initiatives & Citizen Observatories across Europe to join CitiObs as Alliance Cases. This is a fantastic opportunity for existing COs and citizen-led initiatives to collaborate with us, scale up their activities, and share best practices.their activities, and share best practices.

Reflecting on the First Mutual Learning Workshop in Athens
There is power in coming together, sharing knowledge, and working collaboratively towards a common goal. As we move forward, we are inspired and motivated by the possibilities that lie ahead.

Identifying local challenges and fostering collaboration with Citizen Observatories in Barcelona
In this post our consortium partners Milena Calvo Juarez and Oscar Gozalez , Fab Lab Barcelona delve into the dynamic knowledge exchange that unfolded during the first collaborative workshop in the context of the Barcelona Frontrunner case.

Navigating Citizen Observatory success: understanding stakeholder participation Dynamics
In this post, our consortium partners Kelsey Wentling and Uta Wehn, IHE Delft, elaborate on the intricacies of stakeholder participation dynamics in citizen observatories, recognizing the pivotal role such dynamics play in determining the success and sustainability of citizen observatories.

Mapping effects of industrial emissions in Kristiansand
Our consortium partner Karin Ekman engages with residents of Fiskåtangen, Kristiansand, in a Mutual Learning Workshop to explore the achievements, obstacles, and lessons of their initiative monitoring emissions from the nearby industry.

Rotterdam’s journey towards cleaner air through Citizen Science
Consortium partner Eline Verhoeven reflects on Rotterdam's first Mutual Learning Workshop

The Power of Mutual Learning in Citizen Observatories
Consortium partner Joao Paulo Tavares highlights the significance of CitiObs' Mutual Learning Workshops

Who has colour?
Within the scope of the CitiObs project's focus on equality, diversity, and inclusion, Consortium Partner Andrea Reyes Elizondo investigates the complexities associated with the term "People of Colour".

Exploring the CitiObs Citizen-Led Toolkit
Our consortium partners, Jessica Carmen Guy and Óscar González from Fab Lab Barcelona | IAAC share insights on the process of the development of the Citizen-Led Action Toolkit.

Who decides what is measured and acted on, and who is left behind?
Consortium Partner Margaret Gold reflects on the foundations for equality, diversity and inclusion being laid in the project during the first half year.

Can Citizen Science bring wonder into science?
Dive into the thoughts of CitiObs’ Coordinator Núria Castell