CitiObs will consolidate and apply tools and practice-based knowledge for co-creating data, knowledge and local action via Citizen Observatories (COs). These tools:
To ensure broad use, the CitiObs tools and approaches will be developed in co-creation with 5 Frontrunner cases, finetuned with 30 Alliance CO cases and showcased to 50 Fellow CO cases.
CitiObs will support and leverage existing COs, communities of practice and knowledge networks, and replicate and scale up state-of-the-art methodologies and practices to integrate COs in multi-level governance across all corners of Europe to achieve better-informed decision-making processes, societal engagement and innovation.
CitiObs will ensure uptake and impact beyond the project duration by engaging citizen science practitioners (public and institution-based), and policymakers at the city, regional, national and EU levels in co-design and co-creation activities, and embedding the results of those activities in a Knowledge Platform with a detailed CitiObs Cookbook that directs and guides users to relevant CitiObs tools for future use.

Enable more widespread, diverse, inclusive and stable participation of citizens and communities in the observation, monitoring, and protection of the urban environment via citizen observatories

Greater temporal and spatial availability of citizen observations as complementary to official observations at local, national and EU institution level for policy and research use, that contribute to the in-situ component of existing observations systems

Strengthen the recognition of Citizen Observatories as a powerful research and policy-making approach in support of zero pollution and climate change mitigation and adaptation

Large-scale demonstration of CitiObs tools and approaches for enhancing Citizen Observatories