Welcome to our Workshops


Setting Up a Successful Monitoring Campaign Workshop 2

In March 2025, the CitiObs consortium held the second Environmental Monitoring Workshop: Setting Up a Successful Monitoring Campaign, with our Frontrunner Cases.


Alliance Cases Cluster Meeting

In March 2025, the CitiObs consortium held the Alliance Cases Cluster meeting, bringing together the 30 Alliance Cases and the 5 Frontrunner cases to cluster them in 6 clusters.



Setting Up a Successful Monitoring Campaign Workshop 1

In February 2025, the CitiObs consortium held the first Environmental Monitoring WorkshopSetting Up a Successful Monitoring Campaign, with our Frontrunner Cases.



Alliance Cases Onboarding Workshop

In January 2025, the CitiObs consortium held the Alliance Cases Onboarding Workshop, bringing together 30 selected Citizen Observatories and initiatives to collaboratively kickstart their engagement with the project.


3rd Plenary Meeting in Thessaloniki

In October 2024, the CitiObs consortium met in Thessaloniki for the project's 3rd plenary meeting, hosted by DRAXIS.



2nd Plenary Meeting in Oslo

From January 23rd to 25th 2024, the CitiObs consortium met in Oslo for the project's 2nd plenary meeting, hosted by NILU.




1st Mutual Learning Workshop in Athens

In January 2024, Athen's first Mutual Learning Workshop took place. Athens is one of the project's 5 Frontrunner cities.



1st Mutual Learning Workshop in Dublin

In December 2023, Dublin's first Mutual Learning Workshop took place. Dublin is one of the project's 5 Frontrunner cities.


1st Mutual Learning Workshop in Kristiansand

In November, Kristiansand's first Mutual Learning Workshop took place. Kristiansand is one of the project's 5 Frontrunner cities.


1st Mutual Learning Workshop in Rotterdam

In November, Rotterdam's first Mutual Learning Workshop took place. Rotterdam is one of the project's 5 Frontrunner cities.


1st Mutual Learning Workshop in Barcelona

In November, Barcelona's first Mutual Learning Workshop took place. Barcelona is one of the project's 5 Frontrunner cities.


1st Plenary Meeting in Barcelona

In June 2023, the CitiObs consortium gathered in the vibrant city of Barcelona for the project's 1st Plenary meeting, hosted by IAAC | Fab Lab Barcelona.


CitiObs Kick-off meeting

From January 24th to 26th 2024, the CitiObs consortium met in the beautiful city of Oslo for the project's kick-off meeting, hosted by NILU.